One Stop Shop - All digital signature solutions for organizations
SIGNER-1 is a digital signature server designed for handling thousands of electronic documents sent from the organization to customers, suppliers, and employees:
- Dedicated solution. A system specially developed to meet the needs of organizations producing and sending thousands of signed documents per month.
- Automation solution. The Signer-1 server automates the sending process completely, eliminating the need for time and manpower resources to manually send invoices.
- Legal solution. Each document is legally valid, providing legal coverage in court proceedings.
- Eco-friendly solution. Digital signatures without unnecessary paperwork.
- Integrated solution. Integrates the certified digital signature of Comsign.
- Efficient solution. Increased monitoring and control over document production and signing processes within the organization.
- Secure solution. Operates using hardware-based encryption for secure signature creation devices (SSCD).
A to Z professional solutions for enterprises
Comsigntrust's team of experts consistently enhances existing products and broadens the range of solutions tailored to your needs.
Maximum security and regulatory compliance
Signer-1 is designed to address evolving security and compliance challenges, enabling you to advance organizational objectives confidently. We continuously monitor emerging threats and regulatory changes, updating the system in real-time.
Fast and proactive service 24/7
Our team promptly addresses every challenge. The support team at Comsigntrust is attentive to both your technical and strategic needs. In the event of a malfunction, our technical support system is prepared to respond immediately, 24/7.