Collaboration between Comsigntrust and Thales on HSM Usage and Post-Quantum Readiness

The collaboration between Comda and Thales in the field of Hardware Security Modules (HSM) and preparation
for the post-quantum era is an excellent example of how advanced technology companies are addressing future challenges.

General Background

Thales is a global leader in digital security and cryptography, with a special focus on solutions ready for the post-quantum era. Comda, specializing in information security solutions, collaborates with Thales to ensure its customers are prepared for the future threats of quantum computers.

What is HSM?

An HSM is a dedicated hardware component designed to protect cryptographic keys and perform cryptographic operations securely.HSMs are used in a wide range of applications, including banking, government, and other industries where information security is critical.

What is Post-Quantum Readiness?

Post-quantum readiness refers to preparing and preparing cryptographic systems for an era where quantum computers can break traditional cryptographic algorithms. Quantum computers can perform complex calculations very quickly, posing a significant threat to the security of existing cryptographic systems.

Why is it Important to Prepare Now?

Transitioning to Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) will take time and require early planning. Organizations need to start preparing now to ensure their information remains protected in the future. Cyber threats can include collecting information today and decrypting it in the future using quantum computers.

Steps in Preparing for Post-Quantum

  1. Cryptographic Mapping: Identifying systems and assets that use quantum-vulnerable cryptography.

  2. Risk Assessment: Conducting risk assessments to understand the potential impact of quantum computers on the organization.

  3. Vendor Engagement: Working with technology vendors to understand their roadmap for quantum readiness.

  4. Roadmap Development: Creating a roadmap for transitioning to Post-Quantum Cryptography, including planning and project management.

Post-Quantum Cryptography

Post-quantum cryptography involves developing new cryptographic algorithms that can withstand attacks from quantum computers. These algorithms need to be secure against both classical and quantum computers.

Examples of Post-Quantum Resistant Algorithms

  • CRYSTALS-Kyber: An encryption algorithm based on mathematical problems that are hard to solve even for quantum computers.

  • CRYSTALS-Dilithium: A quantum-resistant digital signature algorithm.

Collaboration between Comda and Thales

The collaboration between Comda and Thales focuses on integrating Thales’ HSM solutions with Comsigntrust’s technologies and expertise in information security. Together, we offer customers solutions that ensure maximum protection even in the post-quantum era. These solutions include the use of PQC algorithms as well as tools for securely managing cryptographic keys.

By combining advanced HSM solutions with PQC algorithms, they ensure that their customers are prepared for the future threats posed by quantum computers.

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