CCMS - Comsign Credentials Management System

Centralized issuance and management of digital certificates and smart card data used for identification and digital signature:

  • User-friendly. Issuing new tags and defining self-authorizations within the organization.
  • Digital Signature. Using digital keys and certificates, automatic certificate renewal.
  • Information Security. Strong identification, access control, authentication, and access to computer systems in the organization.
  • Central Management. Using a single system screen, interfacing with third-party systems, and data centralization.
  • Organizational Independence. A friendly and flexible GUI that allows you to define fields independently.
  • Readiness for the Future. Support for ECC/RSA keys in all existing key sizes.

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Why Choose Comsign?

In large organizations, the need to issue and manage employee badges and their associated permissions in a simple, flexible, and modular manner is crucial to prevent security breaches, identity theft, and unauthorized access to the company’s systems and physical facilities.

Comsign offers a global solution with its agile card management system, allowing organizations full autonomy in issuing cards and managing access permissions at the individual employee level. Additionally, it enables the implementation of various uses on a single smart card, providing a versatile and efficient solution for modern businesses worldwide.

Reducing costs and operating times

Preventing human errors and service shutdowns

Identification and logical access to the computer systems in the organization

Savings in maintenance and maintaining functional continuity

Independent tag printing capability

Cost Reduction and Improving Operation Efficiency

Preventing human errors and service interruptions Logical identification and access to computer systems in the organization Savings in maintenance, ensuring continuous operational functionality Independent label printing capability

System Capabilities:

  • Managing various types of smart cards and their organizational attribution.
  • An RA system for issuing digital certificates for identification and digital signatures.
  • Issuing certificates from the corporate CA and embedding them on smart cards.
  • Performing DESFIRE component coding, PROX ID reading, and magnetic stripe coding.
  • Interfacing with AD to issue certificates to existing users.
  • Interfacing with organizational systems to issue certificates to system users.
  • Unlocking blocked cards.
  • Cancelling certificates by the Sys Admin of the system.
  • Scanning and updating the status of digital certificates directly in AD (externally).
  • Combining multiple fields into a single field and compiling a required value (including AD fields).
  • Managing logs and retrieving reports and statistics.

Solutions to Challenges:

  • Uniform Management – implement a central All-In-One management system.
  • Total Security – manage both physical and logical security of the card, from issuance, through use, to card cancellation.
  • Control – offer clients complete independent control.
  • Information Protection – maintain secret keys exclusively within the organization!
  • Permissions – assign different permissions to various system users.
  • Connectivity – synchronize with different user groups defined in the organization (Active Directory).
  • Modularity and Scalability – utilize system components for issuance and management on a central/decentralized site.
  • Dynamic – issue cards with different profiles for diverse user populations.
  • Monitoring and Control – scan the entire network and control all issued certificates.
  • Logs and Reports – centralized control and monitoring of the systems.

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